
Multisearch®, a trademark search with legal advice, will give you a clear and to-the-point answer about the availability of a new trademark for use and registration. The trademark search can be performed in countries across the world.

Businesses introducing trademarks in more than one country should preferably first check their availability.

Multisearch® quickly gives you an idea of the possible risks. For instance, if you will be using your trademark in the Benelux, France and Germany, we will send you an availability report for each country, drawn up by a local associate, and add our overall advice. Multisearch® provides you with instant and practical knowledge.

Trademark searches are crucial

Searching the availability of your trademark name is very important. After all, you don’t want to invest in a trademark only to learn that it’s already taken! Or worse, that you must recall your products! You wouldn’t be the first to have to do so. A search is therefore crucial. Even if the search reveals that your trademark isn’t available, a few adjustments may make it so.

As a specialist in the field, Knijff will be pleased to search the availability of your trademark and provide you with clear advice and solutions.

Types of Multisearch® searches

Multisearch® offers availability searches in the countries of interest to you. Searches may include European registrations, international registrations and national registrations.

We consider not only the legal risk involved in the trademarks found. Equally important is the business risk which we investigate to establish if the owner of a pre-existing trademark is likely to object. In addition to legal advice, we also give you practical advice. The combination of these two elements provides you with a realistic image of the various options of a particular trademark.

We offer different types of searches, depending on budget, risk and time to suit your needs. We will be happy to advise you about the various options.

Multisearch® Pro is a detailed search into the availability of your trademark. We will give you a full risk assessment with the search covering all identical and similar trademarks.

You will receive the search results with an advice from our local associates and with our own overall advice. This will tell you exactly which risks may be involved when launching a new trademark and what you can do to eliminate or reduce these.

A full availability search is essential when launching and registering a new trademark. Following the search you will have a full overview of the possible risks.

The country searches come with the opinion of a local country attorney, an expert on local trademark law. This local opinion is important as national perceptions of trademarks may vary. Even the European Union, often regarded as a single trademark jurisdiction, consists of 28 separate jurisdictions. The local attorneys will also conduct a linguistic check to avoid any awkward or embarrassing word associations.

Finally, you will receive an overall opinion and advice from one of Knijff’s trademark attorneys. This opinion discusses the search reports, lists any pertinent trademarks, provides possible solutions and sets out what we regard as business risks.

Multisearch® Pro

Multisearch® Lite

Multisearch® Lite is a cost-efficient solution that gives you an insight into possible objections. It is an extensive trademark search. And although it does not comprise an opinion from a local agent, it does contain a Knijff trademark lawyer’s overall advice.

Multisearch® Screen

A Screen search provides a more in-depth risk assessment than just an identical check. It reveals not only identical trademarks but also similar trademarks, albeit less comprehensive than in an availability search. A Screen search is an excellent search to start with.

Tailor-made search

We boast years of experience developing customised searches and search formats. Do you want to use your own search format, or do you have any special requirements with regard to a trademark search? Thanks to our advanced and flexible IT systems, we are able to tailor almost anything to your request.

Turn around times of searches

We can provide you with an initial identical screening within 24 hours, and the results of an availability search within five working days. Do you need the results sooner? Then we can speed up the process to three days, subject to a priority fee. Searches outside the Netherlands generally take eight working days to complete

Different distinctive elements can be searched

A trademark can be a name, company name or logo. The availability of all of these elements can be searched. The first step is usually the identical trademark search: a first screening to check if your trademark name has already been registered. An alternative to an identical search is a Screen search, which reveals identical trademarks as well as similar trademarks.  This search gives you a broader picture than just an identical search.

A more detailed search into your trademark can then be made. A full availability search provides an insight into any risks of pre-existing trademark rights.

A logo search will check the availability of logo elements that form part of your trademark. A search of the Chamber of Commerce registers can also prove very useful. Knijff can carry out this search for you, and then advise you.

It goes without saying that Knijff will advise you on the searches that would suit you best based on your ambitions and budget.

Connect with our Multisearch® expert

Jeroen Lallemand //
Senior Business Development Manager

& more on trademark searches

The Multisearch® Q & A

  • A trademark search checks a trademark’s availability for use and registration and possible so-called conflicting trademarks, trademarks that greatly resemble the proposed trademark. Based on pre-existing rights, trademark owners may object to the use and registration of corresponding trademarks. A trademark search should prevent that from happening.

    An identical search checks the appearance of identical names in the register. In a Screen search, both identical trademarks as well as similar trademarks are revealed as trademarks that are similar to the proposed trademark may also form an objection. A Screen search is not as comprehensive as a full availability search which is recommended as final step. A specialist search agency will analyse trademarks that correspond with your trademark. The analysis is submitted to Knijff who will then assess the trademarks for possible risks.

    Important in a trademark search are the specific products and services for which your trademark will be used. They play an important role in assessing whether or not a trademark poses an objection. Following a comparison of the trademarks and products/services, your trademark attorney will present you with a risk assessment on whether or not another trademark forms an obstacle for your trademark. We consider not only the legal risk (whether or not a party may take action against you), but also the action risk (the likelihood of this happening). This will give you a realistic view of the feasibility of your trademark.

    In addition to availability, the registrability of your trademark is also checked. A trademark must meet certain standards to be able to serve as a trademark, such as be distinctive, non-descriptive, and not in violation of public order. Your trademark attorney will assess your trademark for these aspects too. Finally, the proposed trademark is checked for any negative connotations in different languages. We will then send you a report with our advice about the availability and registrability of your trademark.

  • A trademark search checks the register for possible obstacles regarding the use and registration of your (new) trademark. Knowing the possible obstacles before you actually register your trademark enables you to carefully think about continuing with the proposed trademark. Possible obstacles emerging from the search may be easy to eliminate. A (minor) adjustment to the proposed trademark could make it sufficiently different from a pre-existing trademark so that the two can exist side by side.

    In some cases, the product or services specification for which the trademark is registered can be adjusted to eliminate the overlap with the pre-existing trademark. Another option could be to apply for consent from the owner of the pre-existing trademark to avoid later objections. And sometimes, unfortunately, it is simply better to look for a different trademark. That is why we recommend that you consult with us early in the process of trademark design, when you are still flexible in your choices. Have you thought of different names for your trademark? Then we advise you to start by doing identical searches to check.

    • Businesses introducing trademarks in more than one country

    Businesses introducing trademarks in more than one country should preferably first check their availability. Multisearch® quickly gives you an idea of the possible risks. For instance, if you will be using your trademark in the Benelux, France and Germany, we will send you an availability report for each country, drawn up by a local associate, and add our overall advice. Multisearch® provides you with instant and practical knowledge.

    • Businesses running global search projects

    Large search projects are often carried out in-house. We know from experience that projects like these can put trademark teams under pressure to perform within a certain time limit and within a particular budget. In-house searching means in-house challenges.

    Time often proves the biggest challenge for doing trademark searches in-house. Managing searches across various countries, or dealing with unclear reports in different formats can be time-consuming. Even if you conduct searches through search providers, you will have to assess and analyse the searches yourself.

    Multisearch® is of great value for trademark teams. Multisearch® gives trademark teams an overall advice, allowing them in turn to quickly advise their Marketing team. Although the Multisearch®-costs are a little higher than performing searches in-house, outsourcing a search saves a lot of time and therefore money.

    • Businesses rebranding their logo

    Rebranding a large company’s trademark is a challenging undertaking. The new name or logo must be available in several countries and must be introduced in one go. You simply cannot risk a conflict with senior trademark rights. The implications of a possible infringement or even a recall could be disastrous. Sound collaboration between the name creation office, the client and Knijff is invaluable for the outcome. Multisearch® offers a solution: within eight days, trademarks can be checked for their availability in all countries across the world. Knijff has performed many successful rebrandings and has extensive experience managing these types of projects.